What’s New Webinar Series

aPriori’s new updates provide more ways to analyze data quickly and collaborate seamlessly across teams, such as design and cost engineering, sourcing, sustainability, and project management.

On-Demand Webinars

Product Design: Reduce Cost, Carbon, and Risk
June 6 @ 10 a.m. ET
Learn how design engineers can quickly access product cost and carbon insights to evaluate and act on multiple design scenarios efficiently

Manufacturing Insights: Added Breadth and Depth of Analysis
June 13 @ 10 a.m. ET

See aPriori’s expanded capabilities for a range of manufacturing processes and electronics/PCB fabrication

Productivity & Cross-Functional Collaboration Enhancements
June 20 @ 10 a.m. ET
Watch how new aPriori features improve individual productivity and simplify collaboration with cross-functional teams