We Succeed When You Succeed

What’s the best approach to optimizing your aPriori solution?

Work with our knowledgeable, customer-driven Expert Services (ES) team. This flexible program ensures that you make the most of your investment, from deployment to objective completion. Your dedicated ES consultant takes a holistic approach, ensuring that each stage and role of product development is optimized.

Although our solutions are simple to use and highly intuitive, we work alongside customers so that they have a thorough understanding of how to maximize their outcomes. Your ES consultant will walk you through the entire process, leaving no stone unturned.

As a result, you will achieve immediate ROI.

In one case, we were able to immediately identify $200,000,000 in potential savings (based on the customer’s own calculations) in a workshop to show potential ROI if the customer expanded into the design use case.


$1.1 Million in Savings

A newly created "Should Cost" model for compressor enabled Carrier to identify major savings.

Expect the Unexpected with Our Expert Services

All too often, once a manufacturer purchases their digital solution, they are left to their own devices. Not so with our ES team. Below are solutions your consultant can assist with.

  • Explore your business goals, products, and internal processes in depth in conjunction with a customer service manager (CSM)
  • Create a Value Roadmap to achieve full value from your aPriori solution in conjunction with a CSM
  • Cost components and mentor users on aPriori’s costing capabilities
  • Analyze results and identify outlier opportunities
  • Consider the merits of evaluating design alternatives or supplier negotiation strategies
  • Coach users on how to apply repeatable methodologies across all projects

On average, customers with Expert Services achieve 4X the ROI than customers without an ES engagement.

aPriori Expert Services: The Opposite of Cookie Cutter

Our ES programs are not “one and done”. We work with your schedule, requirements, and resources to ensure you get the most return on your investment. We offer:

  • Customer-specific workshops that demonstrate meaningful product development insights
  • A holistic, proactive approach to product development that can be achieved quickly and without an overly complex implementation process
  • Flexible programs that run on a monthly cadence so you can reach your target cost and cost reduction goals
  • Planning and prioritization of the coming month that fits in with the ES program you choose and that aligns and supports your manufacturing and cost objectives
  • Fulfillment of your monthly objectives and response to ad hoc requests
  • A monthly report outlining services completed

Customers with Expert Services are 2X more likely to renew aPriori, which proves Expert Services helps accelerate aPriori adoption.