Regional Data Libraries

Robust Manufacturing & Material Cost Data for Strategic Production Decisions

Volatile material pricing, rising labor costs, and simmering trade conflicts make it increasingly challenging to compare manufacturing costs among regions accurately. aPriori Regional Data Libraries (RDLs) provide manufacturers with timely insights for variable material and supplier production costs across 87 regions globally.

aPriori RDLs provide a detailed breakdown of total manufacturing costs including material costs, regional labor rates, and manufacturing overhead (direct and indirect overhead expenses, toolshop rates, etc.). By using this information to benchmark production cost estimates, manufacturers can quickly select the best region to source components, manufacture products, and address supply chain risk.

Leverage Global Manufacturing Data to Make Decisions Quickly and Confidently

The aPriori RDL is a database of economic manufacturing data gathered from multiple regions that represent standard manufacturing practices and costs in each location. Companies integrate RDLs into their digital factories to gain insights that include: evaluating “build vs. buy” options, determining how relocating manufacturing will impact cost, and creating detailed cost estimates. Manufacturers use RDL data for multiple cost benchmark applications, including:

Support fact-based supplier negotiation with detailed manufacturing and economic data in nearly 90 regions


Benchmark supplier quotes with insights into regional direct and indirect costs


Assess the cost and sustainability impact of sourcing components in various regions by evaluating multiple regions simultaneously


Develop early budgetary estimates to improve target cost accuracy


Estimate the fastest and most cost-effective engineering change orders (ECOs) and design alternatives

The Breadth and Depth of aPriori's Regional Data Library

The aPriori RDL is a database of economic manufacturing data gathered from multiple regions that represent standard manufacturing practices and costs in each location. Companies integrate RDLs into their digital factories to gain insights that include: evaluating "build vs. buy" options, determining how relocating manufacturing will impact cost, and creating detailed cost estimates.

Labor Rates

Represent a fully-burdened labor rate that includes direct wages, directly paid benefits and social overheads. In addition to the world average industry, each Regional Data Library contains a set of wage grades (1-9) for six different industries: Aerospace, Automotive, Electronic, Heavy Industrial Machinery, Medical Device, Oil and Gas.


Overhead Rates

Determine for each machine by region and include direct and indirect overhead costs.


Toolshop and Machine Rates

Represent specific rates related to tool shop operations and machines used in manufacturing.


Material Rates

  • Material Overhead and SG&A Rates: overhead costs associated with materials and Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) expenses.
  • Material Pricing Data: the pricing for various materials used in manufacturing.
  • Material Physical Properties and Stock Sizes: the physical properties of various materials and the sizes in which they are typically stocked.

    Sustainability Insights

    aPriori has partnered with ecoinvent, an international not-for-profit organization that publishes and maintains its comprehensive life cycle inventory (LCI) database for global sustainability assessments. Using econinvent’s LCI as a foundation, aPriori’s Manufacturing Insights Platform calculates material carbon emissions factors and electricity carbon for each manufactured part based on its manufacturing processes and routine logic. With aPriori, companies gain unparalleled insights to identify and mitigate the most significant carbon contributors early in the design process. Learn more about aPriori’s sustainability insights.
    • Calculate the material CO2e contribution for a part
    • Calculate the process CO2e contribution for a part
    • The carbon impact of the extraction and processing required to create the raw material used to manufacture the part
    • The carbon impact of additional processing steps to create the stock form required
    • The energy usage from processes using electricity
    • The carbon impact of the electricity generated from the grid mix for a given country
    • kg CO2e / kg of material
    • kg CO2e / kWh of electricity used
    • Europe
    • Rest of World
    • Locations based on countries in aPriori’s Regional Libraries

    What are the currently supported regions?

    aPriori RDLs provide targeted economic data across 87 regions, from China to Canada. To further refine manufacturing cost estimates, aPriori has multiple RDLs in popular manufacturing regions including China, the U.S., India, and Mexico. RDL data is updated four times a year.

    Click to display different rates on the map:

    Total Manufacturing Rate
    Labor Rate
    New Regions Added in 2023
    Total Manufacturing Rate: Global
    Labor Rate: Global
    New Regions Added in 2023
    Eastern Europe Italy Russia China Australia Brazil Chile
    Western Europe Netherlands
    • City of Moscow
    • Beijing
    India Mexico Canada
    Austria Norway
    • Tyumen
    • Chengdu
    • Maharashtra
    • Mexico City
    • Atlantic (PE-NB-NL-NS)
    Belgium Poland
    • Saint Petersburg
    • Chongqing
    • Delhi
    • North
    • West (BC-MB-SK)
    Czech Republic Portugal
    • Moscow region
    • Dalian
    • West Bengal
    • South-west
    • Ontario
    Denmark Romania
    • Sverdlovsk
    • Guangzhou
    • Karnataka
    United States
    • Quebec
    Finland Slovakia
    • Leningrad
    • Hangzhou
    • Northeast (MA-NY-NJ-CT)
    • Alberta
    France South Africa
    • Kaluga
    • Qingdao
    • Northeast-Rural (ME-NH-RI-VT)
    Germany Spain
    • Udmurtia
    • Shanghai
    • Mid-Atlantic (DE-MD-PA-VA)
    Hungary Sweden
    • Altaiskii Krai
    • Suzhou
    • North Central (IL-MI-MN-OH-WI)
    Ireland Switzerland
    • Republic of Dagestan
    • Tianjin
    Saudi Arabia
    • Central (AR-IA-KS-MT-NE-ND-OK-SD)
    Israel Türkiye
    • Wuhan
    • Southeast (AL-FL-GA-IN-KY-LA-MO-MS-NC-SC-TN-WV)
    United Kingdom South Korea
    • Mountain (AZ-CO-ID-NV-NM-UT-WY)
    • Pacific (WA-OR-HI-AK)
    • Texas
    • California
    *The total manufacturing rate comprises labor rates and overhead rates, which are determined per machine and vary by region, including both direct and indirect overhead costs.
    “I have responsibility for three plants in different countries across the globe, and each plant is different. They have different cost structures and different cultures. But with the digital factory, we can easily configure our simulation to reflect these different manufacturing facilities.” – Jegan Dhanapal, Senior Cost Leader, CNH Industrial

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