Exporting, importing, and testing
1 Export the database. Make a note of the date and time you export the database. Users may continue to use aPriori at this time.
Oracle notes:
Have your database administrator export the database using the expdp command.
The maximum file size our support site can handle is 2GB. Therefore, limit the size of the files to 3GB using the FILESIZE parameter. After zipping the files, they should be less than 2GB. Do not use the Linux/Unix pipes to split or compress the export. aPriori Support uses Windows servers and therefore cannot use these files.
Create the log file when exporting and send it along with the database. This log file contains important information that aPriori Support needs to perform the migration.
MySQL notes:
On your MySQL server, open a command window.
The following step uses the mysqldump.exe command. If the MySQL bin directory is not in your PATH environment variable, Windows does not know where this command is located. Therefore, you may have to supply the full path to the command. It is in the MySQL installation directory, which is often \Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin. Note that you may not have write permission to this folder, so if your command prompt is at that directory, you may need to specify a different location for the location of the file. You can also find mysqldump.exe in the aPriori\bin directory if the aPriori client is installed.
Enter this command (this assumes the schema name is “apriori”, and the username, and password are both “admin” – also, replace companyname with the name of your organization):
mysqldump.exe –user=admin –password=admin
apriori > apriori_<companyName>.sql
2 Zip the database file(s) generated in the previous step and upload to transfer.apriori.com/dropbox
3 If the zip file is greater than 2GB, use the feature in Winzip to split the file into multiple files less than 2GB, or use File Splitter (available for free at www.filesplitter.org) to split the file.
NOTE: Please inform aPriori Support as to how you have split the zip file.
4 Send an email to support@apriori.com stating your database has been uploaded. If this is an Oracle database, also include the log file generated during the export process.
5 aPriori migrates the data and test against the new version.
6 aPriori assesses the VPEs for compatibility with the new version and estimate how much effort is required to make them compatible.
7 aPriori communicates the amount of time they need to complete the VPE work.
8 aPriori sends the database back to you in the upgraded format.
9 Import the upgraded database.
Oracle – Have your database administrator import the database using the impdp command. Any relevant details such as the schema name and tablespace name used during the migration process is communicated along with the database file itself.
MySQL – Open a command line on the database server and execute these commands (use the actual name of the file that you downloaded):
mysql.exe –user=admin –password=admin -e "CREATE DATABASE apriori_<version>
mysql.exe –user=admin –password=admin apriori_<version> < <name_of_db_file>.sql
10 Download the latest aPriori software as described in Acquiring the Installation Files.
11 Install the aPriori software for testing as described in Installing the aPriori Professional Client.
Note: When installing for testing purposes be sure to install to a different directory than the existing installation folder. For example, if you have version 2015 R2 installed in:


then install this version to:

12 Proceed to test the new software. Test all custom VPEs; opening parts from a CAD file; using any aPriori CAD plugins; using aPriori in any normal workflows; etc.