Acquiring the Installation Files
To perform any type of installation, you must acquire the installation files.
aPriori Customer Support or Professional Services can tell you how to acquire the required installation files. Typically, you download the installation files from web links that aPriori provides. The links can point to either a specific version or to the latest version of the installation files.
The main file is for installing aPriori Professional:
For releases that require database upgrades, you must also download a .zip file:
In these file names:
<version> is the release number, so that the full file name is similar to "" or "", or “aPriori-database-”, etc.
Note: In older releases use more verbose version formats, such as "". This file-naming convention is being phased out.
aPriori-<version>.zip contains the following:
aPriori-setup.exe – installer for aPriori
aPriori-databases-<version>.zip contains the database dump files for Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server: standarddata.sql and, if required, migrationdata.sql.
if you have purchased MySQL, aPriori also provides this file:
Note: The mysql-installer-commercial-<version>.msi file is for 64-bit Windows operating systems. If you require a Linux-supported file, please notify aPriori Customer Support at
To download and extract installation files
1 To download the aPriori client and database installation files, follow the instructions you receive from aPriori Customer Support. The instructions include a browser link to a site that contains downloads of the installation files.
2 aPriori Customer Support may also direct you to download other files, such as updated aPriori Base Machining or Regional Data Library files. Download those files as necessary.
3 Extract the contents of the .zip files and take note of their locations. You must be able to access them to complete the procedures in this document.
Once you have downloaded and extracted the necessary files, you can proceed to the sections of this Installation Guide that pertain to your situation.