Silent Client Install
aPriori can be installed without user interaction. This is done by installing once using the normal interactive installer. This creates a configuration file which can then be used as the input to the silent install.
To install aPriori without user interaction:
1 Install aPriori the first time using the interactive installer as described at Installing the aPriori Professional Client. When it is finished, a file named aPriori-install-options.ini is present in the aPriori installation folder. This file contains the configuration options required by the silent installer.
2 Copy apriori-setup.exe, and aPriori-install-options.ini to a file share that can be accessed from the client machines on which aPriori is being installed.
apriori-setup.exe is the same file that you used to install aPriori on the first machine.
aPriori-install-options.ini is the file created at the top level of the aPriori installation directory on the server machine during aPriori installation.
3 Open a command window and cd to the file share where you have copied the files. Run the installer from the command line (or a batch script) with the following syntax:
apriori-setup.exe -q
The “-q” specifies that the installer should run in “quiet” mode and take its values from the .ini rather than by prompting the user interactively.
NOTE: The syntax for this command is different from the syntax for the same command for the installation of version 2019 R1 SP2 and earlier versions of aPriori Professional.
Here are some other parameters that you can specify for debugging purposes and to generate a log file:
When installation is complete, start aPriori on each machine. For details, refer to Configuring and Starting aPriori.