Inline Wash
Category: Surface Mount
Description: The InLine Wash process removes post-soldering contaminants from the PCBA. Unlike User Inputs –- PCBA Bake Out
Batch Wash, and Hand Wash, InLine Wash occurs within the production line where a wash, rinse, dry cycle occurs.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Inline Wash
Inline Wash Cycle Time is the time it takes for the PCBA to travel through the Inline Wash machine and then be unloaded.
Process Time = Inline Wash Time + Unload Time
Inline Wash Time = Inline Wash Length/Inline Wash Speed
Inline Wash Length = (Machine variable)
Inline Wash Speed = (Machine variable)
Unload Time = Output Conveyor Length/Output Conveyor Speed
Output Conveyor Length = (Machine variable)
Output Conveyor Speed = (Machine variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Inline Wash
Process-specific: N/A
Global Inputs: PCB Length, PCB Width, PCB Thickness, PCB Weight