Hand Wash
Category: Special Processing
Description: The Hand Wash process removes post-soldering contaminants from the PCBA by hand cleaning with alcohol and brush. Hand Wash of PCBAs is normally reserved for light rework, and is not generally recommended for primary cleaning. See also: User Inputs –- PCBA Bake Out
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Hand Wash
Hand Wash Cycle Time is the time required to transport cleaning materials to the work area and perform manual cleaning with alcohol and brush.
Process Time = Transport Time + Hand Wash Time
// Time to transport and refresh cleaning materials.
Transport Time = (Machine variable)
// Time to hand wash.
Hand Wash Time = (Machine variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Hand Wash
Process-specific: N/A
Global Inputs: PCB Length, PCB Width, PCB Thickness, PCB Weight