Material Stock Selection for Laser Cut and Router Cut Routings
Laser Cut assumes the use of virtual sheet stock. aPriori assumes the required virtual stock can be obtained at the price per unit weight specified by the material property Default Cost per KG.
Note to VPE Administrators: Actual stocks are not supported. Do not add actual stock to a Sheet Metal--Hydroforming VPE.
Stock length is given by the cost model variable standardSheetLength (2438.4mm in starting point VPEs), provided that this is no less than the length required for a single part (including addendum and trim strips):
Minimum Stock Length =
Length of Blank with Addendum + (2 * Lengthwise Trim Strip Size)
If standardSheetLength is greater than the minimum stock length, the minimum stock length is used instead.
Similarly, stock width is given by the cost model variable standardSheetWidth (1219.2 in starting point VPEs), provided that that this is no less than the width required for a single part (including addendum and trim strips):
Minimum Stock Width =
Width of Blank with Addendum + (2 * Widthwise Trim Strip Size)
If standardSheetWidth is greater than the minimum stock width, the minimum stock width is used instead.
See Addendum Added to Blank Size and Trim Strip Sizes for more information.
Trim Strip Sizes
By default, the sizes of the trim strips along the length and width of the stock are the largest trim strip length and width sizes specified by the available machines:
Default trim strip size along the length of the stock sheet is the largest value specified by any machine for the machine property Sheet Length Trim Strip.
If no machine specifies a value for this property, the size is specified by the cost model variable standardLaserCutLeadInAmount (10mm in starting point VPEs).
Default trim strip size along the width of the stock sheet is the largest value specified by any machine for the machine property Sheet Width Trim Strip.
If no machine specifies a value for this property, the size is specified by the cost model variable standardLaserCutLeadInAmount (10mm in starting point VPEs).