Overriding AxiGroove Properties
If aPriori extracts an AxiGroove GCD from your CAD model, you can edit its properties by using the Gear Definition dialog. Follow these steps to edit gear properties:
1 Select the axiGroove that you want to modify by doing one of the following:
o Select the desired AxiGroove in the Component Viewer.
o Select the desired AxiGroove in the Geometric Cost Drivers pane, under Volumes > Axi Grooves.
2 Bring up the Gear Definition dialog by doing one of the following:
o Right click in the Component Viewer, and select Gear Definition….
o Right click the selected AxiGroove in the Geometric Cost Drivers pane, and select Gear Definition….
o Double click an editable field in Geometric Cost Drivers pane. Editable fields contain the pencil icon.
3 For each field of the Gear Definition dialog, enter a value in the right-hand column (labelled Override Value) if you do not want to use the default provided in the left-hand column (labelled aPriori Default). See Using the Gear Definition Dialog for information on each field.