Setting Heap Size for Bulk Costing
The default heap size for aPriori Bulk Costing can be set in two files:
By setting launcher.max.memory in <pistol>\exit\analysis-purchasing-module\ The default is 2048m.
For running the Bulk Loader from the command line, you can also set MAX_HEAP_SIZE in <ap_install>\bin\bulkLoad.cmd. By default, this setting is commented out, so unless you uncomment and edit this line, command line Bulk Costing jobs use the value set in
Very complex parts can require 8GB (see What constitutes a "large" or "complex" environment above). If you need to set your child clients to this high of a value, you must ensure that you have enough RAM on the computer. If you have moderately complex parts, you can try setting the heap size to 4GB.
You can also try other settings between these values. For example, if you are going to generate Spreadsheet Reports and use Bulk Costing for greater than 1000 parts, you might try setting the main client heap size to 6GB. Note that these are rough estimates to start with, and you may need to tweak these values to find the best performance for your situation.