Controlling Component Color Using Properties
The aPriori component viewer uses yellow or magenta (purple) to highlight selected surface and volumetric GCDs. Since it is difficult for users to see highlighting against similarly-colored parts, aPriori displays such parts in gray instead of their original color.
You can configure the thresholds for which part colors are considered “too similar” to aPriori highlighting colors, in either or
Use the following two properties to specify CAD model colors that should be displayed as gray within aPriori:
apriori.ui.prohibited.part.colors (defaults to "yellow,magenta")
apriori.ui.prohibited.asm.colors (defaults to "yellow")
o The format of these properties is "color1,color2,color3" where each comma-separated value is either a JAVA-compatible color string or RGB hex value 0xRRGGBB. For reference, Java color strings (case sensitive) are
white, WHITE, lightGray,LIGHT_GRAY, gray,GRAY, darkGray, DARK_GRAY,black, BLACK, red, RED, pink,PINK, orange, ORANGE, yellow, YELLOW, green, GREEN, magenta, MAGENTA, cyan, CYAN, blue, BLUE
Note that parts with a “similar” color to a designated color also will be displayed as gray. For example, light yellow and dark yellow parts also are switched to gray, as well as bright yellow parts) The degree of similarity is controlled by a third property:
apriori.ui.prohibited.color.similarity (defaults to 5)
Valid values are 0-100 (percentage) or -1, determining how close part colors needs to match an apriori reserved color to be prohibited.
o 0 means require perfect match, 100 means any color with even mildest hue component matches, default is 5.
o Set to -1 to always use part color and never reset to gray.
In order for a change to this property to take effect for a given part, you must restart aPriori and then extract or re-extract GCDs for the part.