Removing a User
As of Release 2018 R3 SP1, removed users are handled differently than in the past. In previous releases, when you removed a user, their information was deleted from the aPriori database and they could never again access aPriori. Now removed users can be thought of as “deactivated”. They are no longer able to access aPriori, but their information still exists in the aPriori database. This means that their account can be reactivated, and that their historic activity can be accessed by Cost Insight Admin and Cost Insight Report.
1. Along with this functionality, aPriori has introduced a new system variable to control whether removed users appear in searches:
includeRemovedUsersInSearchCriteria (default value is "false")
2. When you deactivate a user, any assigned license is unassigned from that user. You reactivate the user by assigning an active license to that user (see below).
To remove a user
1 Right-click the user in the table that you want to delete and select Remove from the context menu.
2 The user’s Login ID in the table will be displayed in gold strikethrough. Other entries in the row will show black strikethrough or will be blanked or greyed. Removed users will also appear with strikethrough text in future Search results.
3 Select File > Publish Changes from the System Administrator menu bar or click PublishIcon in the toolbar to display the Publish Changes window, then click Yes to publish your changes.
Once published, the removed user Login ID will be displayed in black strikethrough.
4 To toggle the display of removed users, check or uncheck the box to the left of Show removed users.