aPriori 2019-10 Regional Data Libraries
Below is an overview of updates and key data changes that have been made to the Regional Data Libraries (RDLs) for this release. For more detailed information including the magnitude of changes since the previous 2019-08 RDL release, see the Regional Data Libraries 2019-10 Release Notes.
Standard economic updates were performed for all regions and all cost models, including updated Currency Exchange Rates, Material Rates, Labor Rates, Overhead Rates, and Toolshop Rates.
Currency Exchange Rates have remained relatively stable relative to the US Dollar.
For most regions, Labor Rates decreased from the previous RDL data, largely tracking to corresponding changes in Exchange Rates. The largest changes were for Brazil (decrease of ~ 6%), Norway (decrease of ~ 7%), and Switzerland (decrease of ~ 7.5%). Labor rates for Belgium, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom increased (by 1% – 3%)
There were no changes to plastic material rates between the 2019-08 and 2019-10 RDL releases, other than for Polypropylene and Polystyrene (which increased by about 3% and 2%, respectively).
Steel rates rose by ~ 5% compared to the previous RDL data. Rates for heat-resistant super alloys rose by 12%, but non-ferrous metal material rates generally declined (between 2% and 12%).
The 2019-10 Regional Data Libraries are available in versions compatible with both aPriori 2019 R2 and with aPriori 2019 R1 SP2.