aPriori determines a direct and indirect OH hourly rate for each machine by region
Direct Benefits Factor is a region specific factor used to account for direct pay to employees for irregular activities — irregular bonuses, payments to employees’ savings funds, payments in kind, allowances for commuting, vacation, and holidays.
Various sources are used to derive the Direct Benefits Factor, including a combination of information from the BLS, Eurostats, national statistical offices, and customer feedback.
Social Insurance Factor is a region specific factor used to account for the social insurance expenses and labor related taxes such as unemployment insurance, health insurance, retirement and disability pensions, life & accident insurance, severance pay, taxes on payrolls, and other social insurance expenditures
The primary source for Social Insurance Factor is Kerkhoff. Additional regional data sources are used for verification and corroboration of the data, including the BLS, Eurostats, national labor statistics bureaus and customer feedback.