Maintenance upgrades typically allow for interoperability between clients running different versions within the same major release.
EVERY release requires that you at least UPDATE the aPriori database with a “compatibility script” to enable it to work with clients running the most recent version of aPriori software. (The script sometimes needs to be run in other situations.) SOME maintenance releases (typically Service Packs) may also require you to UPGRADE the aPriori database. EVERY major release requires a database UPGRADE.
For example, aPriori Professional clients running versions 2018 R1, 2018 R1 SP1, and 2018 R1 SP2 are all compatible with a database that is updated or upgraded to 2018 R1 SP2. However, 2018 R1 SP2 clients are not compatible with a database that is not updated beyond 2018 R1 SP1.
Note: Interoperability is NOT available between different major releases.