Category: Prep Processes > PCB Prep
Description: The Stencil process applies information to the PCBA such as Part Number, Serial Number, Date Code, ESD Marking, and "Bad Board" Marking, etc. by painting a stencil onto the PCB. (See also: Label)
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Stencil
Stencil Cycle Time is the time to make the stencil, aggregated across the batch size and the time to apply the individual stencils to each PCB.
Process Time = (Make Stencil Time/Batch Size) + (Stencil Time*Stencil Quantity)
Make Stencil Time = (Machine variable)
Stencil Time = (Machine variable)
Stencil Quantity = (PSO)
User Inputs –- PCBA Stencil
PSO: Number of stencil locations per individual PCBA.