SMT Auto Placement
Category: Surface Mount
Description: SMT Auto Placement is the process of installing Surface Mount (SMT) components on the surface of the PCB by machine. (See also: SMT Hand Placement)
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA SMT Auto Placement
The Device Placement Time shown below is somewhat oversimplified. The cost model takes into account whether this is the top side or bottom side of the board, as well as different categories of components and their specific deposition rates.
Process Time = Travel Time + Load Time + Fiducial Check Time + Device Placement Time + Unload Time
Travel Time = Shuttle Conveyor Time + Transport Conveyor Time
Shuttle Conveyor Time = Shuttle Conveyor Length/Shuttle Conveyor Speed
Shuttle Conveyor Length = (Machine variable)
Shuttle Conveyor Speed = (Machine variable)
Transport Conveyor Time = (Transport Conveyor Length/ Transport Conveyor Speed)* Transport Conveyor Quantity
Transport Conveyor Length = (Machine variable)
Transport Conveyor Speed = (Machine variable)
Transport Conveyor Quantity = (Machine variable)
Load Time = Machine Load Time*Machine Quantity
Machine Load Time = (Machine variable)
Machine Quantity = (Machine variable)
Fiducial Check Time =(Machine variable)*Machine Quantity
Device Placement Time = Quantity Component Type/Component Type Disposition Rate
Unload Time = (Machine variable)*Machine Quantity
User Inputs –- PCBA SMT Auto Placement
PSO: Fixture Requirements override. (Adds fixture load / unload time to Machine Load / Unload time if true.)