Shunt Assembly
Category: Special Processing
Description: Shunt Assembly is the process of installing and electrically connecting a shunt onto a PCBA. In electronics, a shunt is a device which allows electric current to pass around another point in the circuit by creating a low resistance path. The shunt is mechanically secured to the PCB with hardware, and electrically connected to the circuit with solder and jumper wires.
Process is optional and is turned OFF by default.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Shunt Assembly
Shunt Assembly Cycle Time is a combination of mechanical assembly to install the shunt into place, and jumper wire assembly to install the wires onto the shunt, and solder time to solder them onto the PCB.
Process Time = Shunt Install Process Time + Wire Install Process Time
Shunt Install Process = (Shunt Align Time*Shunt Quantity) + Hardware Install Time
Shunt Align Time = (Machine variable)
Shunt Quantity = (PSO)
Hardware Install Time = Hardware Stackup Locations* Hardware Stackup Install Time
Hardware Stackup Locations =(PSO)
Hardware Stackup Install Time = (Machine variable)
//Jumper wire installation. Note one end will be soldered and the other end will be assembled in hardware stackup.
Wire Install Process Time = (Jumper Wire Cut Time + Jumper Wire Strip Time + Jumper Wire Solder Time)* Jumper Wire Quantity) + Jumper Wire Staking Time + Jumper Wire Curing Time
Jumper Wire Cut Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Strip Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Solder Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Quantity = (PSO)
Jumper Wire Curing Time = Load Time + ovenTime
Load Time = Oven Load Time + Oven Unload Time
Oven Load Time = (Machine variable)
Oven Unload Time = (Machine variable)
Oven Time = (Machine variable) *SEC_PER_HR
//Jumper Wire Staking Time is only calculated if PSO Jumper Wire Staking Required = true
Jumper Wire Staking Time = { (Staking Mix Time/Batch Size) + (Jumper Wire Staking Time* Jumper Wire Staking Locations)
Staking Mix Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Staking Locations = (PSO)
User Inputs –- PCBA Shunt Assembly
PSO: Shunt Quantity
PSO: Hardware Stackup Locations
PSO: Jumper Wire Quantity
PSO: Jumper Wire Staking Required
PSO: Jumper Wire Staking Locations