Jumper Wire Install
Category: Special Processing
Description: This process covers the manual installation of jumper wires on a PCB. Depending on the purpose, location, and length of the jumper, several different factors may need to be considered to provide an accurate costing. These factors can include prep time, dressing, staking, method of attachment, application of insulation, drilling of new holes, etc.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Jumper Wire Install
Jumper Wire Installation Cycle Time is the time required to prep the jumper wires, solder them into place, and stake them if required. Staking is required every 1 inch or at every routing turn, or as directed by the PCB assembly drawing. This cannot be automated therefore user input is required.
Process Time = ((Jumper Wire Cut Time + Jumper Wire Strip Time*2 + Jumper Wire Solder Time*2)* Jumper Wire Quantity) + Jumper Wire Staking Time + Jumper Wire Curing Time
Jumper Wire Cut Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Quantity = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Strip Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Solder Time = (Machine variable)
//Jumper Wire Staking Time is computed only if PSO Jumper Wire Staking Required is true.
Jumper Wire Staking Time = { (Staking Mix Time/Batch Size) + (machine. Jumper Wire Staking Time*setup. Jumper Wire Staking Locations
Staking Mix Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Staking Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Staking Locations = (PSO)
Jumper Wire Curing Time = Load Time + Oven Time
Load Time = Oven Load Time + Oven Unload Time
Oven Load Time = (Machine Variable)
Oven Unload Time = (Machine Variable)
Oven Time = (Machine variable)*SEC_PER_HR
User Inputs –- PCBA Jumper Wire Install
PSO: Jumper Wire Quantity
PSO: Jumper Wire Staking Required
PSO: Jumper Wire Staking Locations