Ion Chromatography
Category: Testing
Description: Ion Chromatography is an advanced, highly-accurate test process to identify contaminants on a PCBA which could lead to failure over time in the field, such a shorts between closely-spaced pads due to dendritic growth.
Process is optional and is turned OFF by default.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Ion Chromatography
Ion Chromatography Cycle Time is either the sum of a total immersion in water, or a sum of testing specific locations.
If PSO Ion Chromatography Method = Full Immersion:
Full Immersion Process Time = Board Load Time + ((Ion Chromatography Run Time)*(MonitorPercentage/100)) + Board Unload Time + Board Inspect Time
If PSO Ion Chromatography Method = Spot Test:
Spot Test Process Time = Board Load Time + ((Ion Chromatography Run Time*Ion Chromatography Spot Test Quantity)*(Monitor Percentage/100))+ Board Unload Time + Board Inspect Time
Board Load Time = (Machine variable)
Board Unload Time = (Machine variable)
Board Inspect Time = (Machine variable)
Ion Chromatography Run Time = (Machine variable)
Ion Chromatography Spot Test Quantity = (Machine variable)
Monitor Percentage = (Machine variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Ion Chromatography
PSO: Ion Chromatography Method (Full Immersion or Spot Test)