Heat Sink Install
Category: Special Processing
Description: This is the process to assemble heat sink devices or materials onto a PCB Assembly. This may be an assembly with a fan on it to drive heat away from the assembly or metal plates that will dissipate heat from the assembly. Both of these require thermal compound to be applied in between the device and the PCB as air is not a good conductor of heat. The thermal compound facilitates the cooling of the assembly through the heat sink.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Heat Sink Install
Heat Sink Install Cycle Time is a compilation of the time to apply thermal compound, align the heatsinks and install any hardware that may accompany the heat sinks.
Process Time = ((Thermal Compound Time + Heat Sink Align Time)*Heat Sink Quantity) + Hardware Install Time
Thermal Compound Time = Thermal Compound Prep Time + Thermal Compound Apply Time
Thermal Compound Prep Time = (Machine variable)/Batch Size
Thermal Compound Apply Time = (Machine variable)
Heat Sink Align Time = (Machine variable)
Heat Sink Quantity = (PSO)
Hardware Install Time = Hardware Stackup Locations*Hardware Stackup Install Time
Hardware Stackup Locations = (PSO)
Hardware Stackup Install Time = (Machine variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Heat Sink Install
PSO: Heat Sink Quantity
PSO: Hardware Stackup Locations