Final Assembly
Category: Special Processing
Description: -- Final Assemby consists of processes that must be performed by hand, such as positioning hardware parts, installing jumper wires, and staking those wires.
Major Cost Drivers – Final Assembly
// Process Time for final assembly manual processes.
Process Time = Final Assembly Install Process Time + Wire Install Process Time
Final Assembly Install Process Time = (Final Assembly Align Time* Final Assembly Quantity) + Hardware Install Time
Final Assembly Quantity = (PSO)
Final Assembly AlignTime = (Machine variable)
Hardware Install Time = Hardware Stackup Locations* Hardware Stackup Install Time
Hardware Stackup Locations = (PSO)
Hardware Stackup InstallTime = (Machine variable)
//Jumper wire installation. Note: One end will be soldered and the other end will be assembled in hardware stackup.
Wire Install Process Time = ((Jumper Wire Cut Time + Jumper Wire Strip Time + Jumper Wire Solder Time)* Jumper Wire Quantity) + Jumper Wire Staking Time + Jumper Wire Curing Time
Jumper Wire Cut Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Quantity = (PSO)
Jumper Wire Strip Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Solder Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Staking Time = (Staking Mix Time /Batch Size) + (Jumper Wire Staking Time * Jumper Wire Staking Locations) //If “Is Jumper Wire Staking Required” = true
Is Jumper Wire Staking Required = (PSO)
Jumper Wire Staking Time = (Machine variable)
Staking Mix Time = (Machine variable)
Jumper Wire Staking Locations = (PSO)
Jumper Wire Curing Time = ((Load Time + Oven Time)/Batch Size) //If “Is Jumper Wire Staking Required” = true
Load Time = Oven Load Time + Oven Unload Time
Oven Load Time = (Machine variable)
Oven Unload Time = (Machine variable)
Oven Time = (Machine variable) * SEC_PER_HR
User Inputs –- Final Assembly
PSO: Quantity of Parts to be Manually Aligned to PCB (Frames, Heatsinks, Shunts, Fences, etc.)
PSO: Quantity of Hardware Stackup Locations
PSO: Quantity of Jumper Wires
PSO: Is Jumper Wire Staking Required?
PSO: Quantity of Jumper Wire Staking Locations