Category: Special Processing
Description: This process covers the manual or automated separation of a PCB from a panel multiple PCBs.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Depanelization
Cycle Time depends on the method selected. If there are breakaway tabs, this is the time to break the tabs and file them down. If a PCB band saw is available, the process is automated and is a factor of the perimeter of the PCB by the rate of speed of the PCB depaneling band saw.
If PSO Depanelization Method = Manual:
Process Time = {(Tab Quantity*(Break Away Time + File Time))
If PSO Depanelization Method = Automated:
Process Time = ((PCB Length+PCB Width)*2)/Band Saw Rate
Tab Quantity = (PSO)
Break Away Time = (Machine variable)
File Time = (Machine variable)
PCB Length = (Global Input)
PCB Width = (Global Input)
Band Saw Rate = (Machine variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Depanelization
PSO: Depanelization Method (Manual or Automated)