Component Software Load
Category: Prep Processes > Component Prep
Description: The Component Software Load process loads firmware onto an individual electronic component. The default software load machine is one computer with multiple connectors to program multiple different devices through those different connector locations.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Component Software Load
Component Software Load Cycle Time is the time it takes to mate sockets.
// Process Time to relabel programmed part, mate socketsa, and perform software load.
processTime = ((Label Print Time*Software Revision Label Quantity)/Batch Size) + (Label Install Time*Software Revision Label Quantity) + (Socket Mate Time*Components to Load Quantity) + Software Load Time
Label Print Time = (Machine Variable)
Label Install Time = (Machine Variable)
Label Install Time = (Machine Variable)
Socket Mate Time = (Machine Variable)
Components to Load Quantity = (PSO)
Software Load Time = (Machine Variable)
User Inputs –- PCBA Component Software Load
PSO: Components to Load Quantity