Component Prep Automated
Category: Prep Processes > Component Prep
Description: Automated Component Prep is the process of having a machine form component leads prior to insertion in the PCB.
Major Cost Drivers -- PCBA Component Prep Automated
Component Prep Automated Cycle Time is a function of the number of component leads that need to be preformed times the machine press time to form the lead.
If PSO Auto Prep Method = Bench Press:
Process Time = Number of Auto-Preformed Leads*Press Time
Number of Auto-Preformed Leads = (PSO)
If PSO Auto Prep Method = Sequencer:
Process Time = Number of Auto-Preformed Parts*Press Time
Number of Auto-Preformed Parts = (PSO)
User Inputs –- PCBA Component Prep Automated
PSO: Auto Prep Method (Bench Press or Sequencer)
PSO: Number of Auto-Preformed Leads
PSO: Number of Auto-Preformed Parts