Wire Layout
Process Time = (Wire Layout Time) * (Harness Assembly Factor) * (Unmarked Wire Factor)
Wire Layout Time =
((Easy Wire Base Layout Time) + ((Easy Wire Handling Time) * ((Length of Easy Wires)/MM_PER_IN))) +
((Difficult Wire Base Layout Time) + ((Difficult Wire Handling Time) * ((Length of Difficult Wires)/MM_PER_IN)))+
((Ribbon Cable Base Layout Time) + ((Ribbon Cable Handling Time) * ((Length of Ribbon Cable) / MM_PER_IN)))
Harness Assembly Factor = (Manual Harness Assembly Factor)
Unmarked Wire Factor = (Unmarked Wire Factor)
All times and factors are derived from aPriori plant variables (see the table at Process Defaults and Thresholds).
All lengths are derived from input files or user override.