Crimping is a function of the Terminations (T) type and the subtype quantity. Subtypes include Contacts, Ring/Fork/Blade Terminals, Shield Terminators, and Wire Ferrules.
Process Time = EITHER
(Contact Task Time) * (Number of Manual Crimped Contacts) +
(Ring, Fork, or Blade Task Time) * (Number of Manual Crimped Terminals) +
(Wire Ferrule Task Time) * (Number of Manual Wire Ferrules)
(Contact Task Time) * (Number of Machine Crimped Contacts) +
(Ring, Fork, or Blade Task Time) * (Number of Machine Crimped Terminals) +
(Wire Ferrule Task Time) * (Number of Machine Wire Ferrules)
Because of the large variety of crimp terminals, cycle times can vary widely. Likewise, the speed of various semi-automatic crimping machines can be different, meaning that production rates will vary from machine to machine. Machine crimping is much faster than manual crimping, but has a set-up time element.
Task time defaults are all derived from aPriori machine tables.
Quantities are all extracted from the input .csv files or supplied via user override.