Shot Blast Formulas
Shot Blast Cycle Time Calculation
Cycle Time = Process Time * Adjustment Factor
Cycle time includes setup time per part. It is the product of the following:
Process time (see formula below)
Adjustment factor (specified by the cost model variable cycleTimeAdjustmentFactor). This factor is 1 in aPriori starting point VPEs. VPE administrators can modify cycleTimeAdjustmentFactor in order to adjust cycle times across processes within the current VPE.
Process Time = (Surface Area * Area Allowance) + (Contour Perimeter * Perimeter Allowance)
Process time depends on the following:
Surface area (obtained from geometry extraction)
Area Allowance (specified by the machine property Surface Area Allowance)
Contour Perimeter (flattened part perimeter, for sheet metal parts; twice the sum of part length and part width, otherwise)
Perimeter allowance (specified by the machine property Perimeter Allowance)