Machine Feasibility for Resin Curing
Feasible machines for Resin Curing satisfy the following:
Part length and width, and height are no greater than the machine properties Bed Length and Bed Width, respectively.
Part height together with base material height is no greater than the machine property Bed Height. The base material is the buffer of unsintered material between the bottom layer of parts and the base plate. By default, the base height is specified by the site variable basePlateOffset (10mm in starting point VPEs). Users can override the default base height with the setup option Base Plate: Support Structures Height.
Either the machine is a preferred machine, or there is an entry in the lookup table tblMaterialCompatibility that has the current machine name, material name, and process (SLA).
Note that the part’s orientation (see Using the Build Direction Tool to Orient the Part) determines which dimension of the part’s bounding box is the height. The length is the longer of the other two dimensions.