Sheet plastic material composition
The following material composition properties affect the cost of the sheet plastic component:
Name – Reference field containing the specific name of the material.
Description – Reference field containing material descriptors.
Material Type – Reference field containing the generic name of the material type.
Unit Cost – Cost per mass of the unconverted raw plastic pellets.
Max Draw Ratio – aPriori calculates the overall draw ratio based on the component’s geometry. The calculated draw ratio must not exceed the maximum draw ratio for the material shown in this field.
Normal Forming Temp – The temperature at which the sheet is normally formed. A higher normal forming temperature requires additional time for heating and cooling the sheet, resulting in a higher cycle time and associated cost.
Upper Forming Temp – A temperature at the upper end of the range at which the material can be formed.
Lower Forming Temp – A temperature at the lower end of the range at which the material can be formed.
Set Temp – The temperature at which the sheet is considered structurally stable for release from the mold. A higher set temperature means the sheet becomes stable more quickly, resulting in a lower cooling cycle time and associated cost.
Density – Material density. More dense materials result in a greater mass per sheet and affect cost based on the material’s unit cost.
Morphology – Reference field that affects average cooling thermal diffusivity. Crystalline material has a lower average thermal diffusivity than amorphous material, resulting in a higher cycle time and associated cost.
Average Thermal Diffusivity – Measure of thermal inertia of a material. Material with a higher thermal diffusivity value conducts heat more quickly relative to its volumetric heat capacity, resulting in a lower cycle time and associated cost.