Cost Model Variables for Gears
AxiGroove-related cost model variables include the following:
defaultPressureAngle: default pressure angle in degrees. Default: 14.5 degrees.
gearQualityDefaultAgmaNewStd: default quality for AGMA New Standard. Default: A8.
gearQualityDefaultAgmaOldStd: default quality for AGMA New Standard. Default: Q8.
gearQualityDefaultDinStd: default quality for AGMA New Standard. Default: 9.
TWGMaxDiameterThreshold: diameter threshold at or below which a gear is feasible for Threaded Wheel Grinding. Default: 1200mm.
TWGProductionVolumeThreshold: production volume threshold below which gears are feasible for Profile Grinding. Default: 150
defaultNumStarts: default number of starts (parallel rows of hob teeth) on a gear making hob. Default: 1.
maxAxiGrooveMillingTime: maximum cycle time in seconds for general gear roughing or finishing of an AxiGroove. Default: 10,800 seconds.
maxShavingWorkpieceSpeed: absolute maximum rotational speed (in RPM) of shaving workpiece regardless of the machine selection. Default: 1000 RPM.
minNumTeethForMultistart: minimum number of teeth on a gear in order to use multiple hob starts. Default: 12.
numDwellsPerShapingStroke: number of dwells per each shaping stroke. Default: 12.
numTeethPerRevolution: default number of teeth per revolution used to calculate the number of hob starts in Gear Grinding. Default: 24.
plungeShavingDwellCoeff: an empirical coefficient for the calculation of plunge shaving dwell time. Typically it is between 20 and 70. Default: 45.
rollabilityBrinellThreshold: spline materials above this hardness threshold are not roll-able. Default: 700.
rollabilityRockwellCThreshold: spline materials above this hardness threshold are not roll-able. Default: 63.
rollabilityTensileStrengthThreshold: spline materials above this hardness threshold are not roll-able. Default: 300.
shaperStrokeLengthRatio: ratio of the shaper stroke length to the face width of the AxiGroove. Default: 1.15.
shapingDwellTimePerStroke: time in seconds for the tool dwell time in shaping. Default: 0.15 seconds.
spiralBevelCutterDiameterRatio: ratio of the cutter diameter to the pitch diameter for spiral bevel gears. Default: 1.
splineHobbingFeedFactor: adjustment factor that reduces tool feed for spline hobbing. Default: 0.5.
splineRollingMaxModule: tooth module at which spline rolling becomes infeasible. Default: 1.6.
splineRollingPressureAngle: angle below which spline rolling is feasible. Default: 20.
threadedGrindingWheelDressTime: typical time in seconds required to touch-up dress a threaded grinding wheel for Gear Grinding. Assumes that wheel has been pre-dressed. Default: 900 seconds.