Forging material
The Forging process group supports the use of either round bar stock or square bar stock only. By default, aPriori uses an algorithm for selecting suitable Forging material stock sizes that requires that the ratio of stock height to stock diameter/width is within a specified range. The goal of this algorithm is to select a stock that will undergo sufficient deformation to result in the desired material properties once forged (e.g., increased density and increased strength due to improved grain structure), but also avoid buckling during the forging process. The algorithm first determines a set of suitable stock diameters/widths, based on final part dimensions and volume, and then selects a set of suitable corresponding stock lengths based on the ratio-range requirement. Finally, aPriori chooses the specific stock size with the largest diameter/width that meets the ratio requirement. However, other stock sizes that also meet the ratio-range requirement are available for user-selection if desired.
If you wish to view or change the material composition, stock size selected, or material utilization computation, use the Material Selection window. For more information, see the "Selecting Material" section of the aPriori User Guide.
If you wish to have more visibility into the forging stock selection details, or affect the set of suitable stocks selected by modifying the range of acceptable stock height to diameter/width values that are used in the forging stock selection algorithm, see Controlling forging stock selection on page 466.