Tool Length, Width, and Area
Tool length, width and area are calculated based on the part dimensions.
Tool area is given by the following:
Tool Surface Area =
(Part Length + (2 * Tool Perimeter Allowance)) *
((Part Width + (2 * Tool Perimeter Allowance))
Tool surface area depends on the following:
Part length: the length of the part bounding box, specified by the geometric property Length.
Part width: the width of the part bounding box, specified by the geometric property Width.
Tool perimeter allowance: specified by the cost model variable toolPerimeterAllowance (150mm in starting point VPEs).
Tool length and width are given by the following:
Tool Length = (Part Length + (2 * Tool Perimeter Allowance))
Tool Width = ((Part Width + (2 * Tool Perimeter Allowance))
Tool length and width depend on the following:
Part length: the length of the part bounding box, specified by the geometric property Length.
Part width: the width of the part bounding box, specified by the geometric property Width.
Tool perimeter allowance: specified by the cost model variable toolPerimeterAllowance (150mm in starting point VPEs).