Assembly Details Context Menu
Right-clicking on a row in the Assembly Details tab provides access to the follow commands:
Menu Command
Basic editing commands for selected components. For example, you could copy or cut a component from one assembly and paste it into another assembly.
When an assembly row is selected, Add provides the ability to add an existing component through the Search utility (see "Using the Search Tool" in the "aPriori Desktop Basics" chapter of the aPriori User Guide), or to create and add a new virtual component (see ā€¯Creating new components without CAD" in the "Using aPriori Desktop" chapter of the aPriori User Guide).
Edit Quantity
Specify the number of instances of the selected component.
Remove the selected component form the assembly.
Switch Scenario
If the currently selected component has more than one scenario, this command allows you to choose between them.
Show Formula Dependencies
See the "Show Formula Dependencies" section in the aPriori User Guide
If the selected row has a grey (uncosted) icon, use this command to populate the Cost Object Info window and cost the component.
Opens the selected component in its own tab.
Commits to the aPriori database any changes to the selected component.
Allow or disallow changes to the currently selected part or assembly scenario.
Undo Ignore
If a component scenario is set to "ignore", the component scenario will not be costed even if it is a sub-component of a deep costing assembly. The component is removed from the display, and its row in Assembly details is greyed and crossed out. See the note following this table.
Undo Hide
If a component scenario is set to "hide", the component is removed from the display and its row in Assembly Details is greyed. However, hide status does not affect costing. Hide is useful for simply turning off the display of a component in an assembly view to view what is behind it. See the note following this table.
A note about Ignore, Hide, and their effect on costing
When you Hide a component scenario, you simply remove its display from the component viewer. Hiding a component has no effect when costing. When you Ignore a component scenario, you not only remove its display from the component viewer, you also remove it from costing operations, even if the component is a member of a deep costing assembly. However, ignoring a part does not recompute any geometry and does not change the envelope dimensions of the parent assembly. Therefore, the cost of a component calculated on its own will not necessarily be the same (or even close to) the cost of its parent assembly with all other components ignored. For example, consider an assembly consisting of three parts: P1, P2, and P3. Costing P1 by itself might result in a labor time of 30 seconds. Costing the entire assembly might result in a total labor time of 120 seconds. If you ignore parts P2 and P3 and then cost the assembly, the labor time will probably not be the 30 seconds of the single remaining part (P1). It might be closer to the total assembly time, minus some amount for the ignored parts, since the envelope dimensions of the assembly have not been recalculated.