Adding a Setup Option—Padding Cycle Time
This section contains an example of adding a setup option to a process. The example uses the sample custom process AbrasiveJet Cut, which is copied from Laser Cut and mimics Waterjet Cut (see Adding a New Process to a Process Group). Unlike Waterjet Cut, this new process will include a setup option, cycleTimeAdditiveAdjustment, for a value to be added to the process cycle time as an adjustment (see Padding Cycle Time by Adding a Constant). See also Modifying a Machine Type—Padding Cycle Time and Adding Plant Variables—Padding Cycle Time.
Follow these steps to create the setup option:
1 In the navigation pane, double-click AbrasiveJet Cut; in the editing pane, click the Process Setup Optoins tab.
In this example, the process is new, and so is editable without an explicit override. For inherited objects, you must select Override Object from the Edit menu, or click the override icon, green_dude.png, in the toolbar.
2 Scroll to the bottom of the editing pane, and click green_plus.png. Text boxes and a table for a new setup option appear.
Each line of the table will define an end-user input mode. You will define two modes:
o Default mode: uses the default bundle count specified by the plant variable cycleTimeAdditiveAdjustment. This value is specified by the CSL expression plant. cycleTimeAdditiveAdjustment.
o User override mode: This value is entered by the end user.
3 Add a line to the table, specifying the following column values:
o Mode Name: aDefaultValue
o Type: CSL
o Display Text: Default Value
o Expression: plant.cycleTimeAdditiveAdjustment
4 Add a second line to the table, specifying the following column values:
o Mode Name: aaUserOverride
o Type: User
o Display Text: User Override
o Default Value: 0
5 Enter the following information into the text boxes:
o Name: cycTimeAdditiveAdjustment
o Display Text: Cycle Time Additive Adjustment
o Description: Value to be added onto cycle time as padding.
o Default Mode Name: aDefaultValue
o Unit Type: Time
o Decimal Places: 1
6 Select Save from the File menu, or click save_icon.png in the toolbar, to save your changes.
7 To incorporate your changes into the cost model, select Publish Cost Model and VPE from the File menu, or click publish_icon.png in the toolbar.
See Padding Cycle Time by Adding a Constant for an example of using this process setup option in a CSL module.
For more information on CSL, see CSL Language Overview in the chapter Working with Cost Model Logic.