Adding CSL Modules
To add a CSL module, follow these steps:
1 For a global CSL module, navigate to the global CSL modules (see Navigating to Global CSL Modules). Be sure to select the Library CSL tab for library modules and the CSL Modules tab for non-library modules.
For CSL modules associated with a node, navigate to the CSL modules for the node— see Navigating to the Data for a Process, Operation or Branch Node.
2 Select Override Object from the CMWB Edit menu.
3 Click the green plus icon at the top or bottom of the editing pane. Information for a new module appears in the editing pane
4 For modules other than library modules, select the type of the new module from the dropdown list for the Type Name field.
For library modules, enter the name of the new module in the File Name field. The name should start with lib and end with .csl.
5 Enter a line in the formula table for each output formula (if any) of the new module. Standard taxonomy formulas are added automatically.
6 Select Save from the File menu.
7 Click the folder icon for the new module. The module content appears in the editing pane. The module is initially empty (except for default formulas that set to 0 certain high-level values, such as cycleTime and pieceCost).
8 After adding the text of the new module, select Save from the File menu to save your changes.
9 To incorporate your changes into the cost model, select Publish Cost Model and VPE from the File menu.