sheetName -- The name of the tab into which to output the data. This is a required attribute. aPriori recommends that you use "ap_output" as a default.
rangeName -- The name of the "named range" to create in Excel representing the data output by this CostModelWatchpoint element. If rangeName is null, a range will be created using sheetName.
generateOneRowPerAttribute -- If set to "false", the spreadsheet will contain one row per node or gcd with the attribute values as separate columns rather than one row per attribute/value pair.
revisitScenarios -- If set to "true", the system will not filter out duplicate visits to scenarios. This could occur while traversing assemblies for example, and if what you want to do is aggregate costs or deal with counts of scenarios in an assembly or rollup you will have to revisit them. (more about aggregation attributes below).
suppressRollups -- If set to true, the system will not generate a row for the rollup itself in the cost outputs.
generateStandardColumns -- Defaults to true. If set to False, the system will not generate the standard set of columns and it is up to the report author to make sure that there is enough key information in each generated row to make appropriate distinctions. Attributes that get generated as standard outputs can now be named explicitly and generate the following columns:
o bomLineNumber
o bomDepth
o Part Number
o Scenario
o ScenarioType
o ScenarioFullName
o ProcessGroup
o Process
o Level
o Leaf
o HasChildren
o Node
o GcdType
o Gcd
o Gcd Display Name
o CostView
o Tag
generateFailedOperationResults -- Defaults to false. If true, data for failed operations is generated.
generateSetupAxes -- If you want to generate rows to represent all the setup axes in the part, set this to true. You cannot select which attributes to get out of setup axes: you get all of them.
generateDtcMetrics – Defaults to false. If true, all Design to Cost (DTC) metrics appropriate for each scenario will be output on the component row where they can be accessed for Cost Insight Report Ad Hoc reports. Has no effect on OOB Reports.
outputDuplicateProcAndOpData -- If you want to generate duplicate rows for process & operation output, revisitScenarios must be set to true for this to have any affect.