Scenario support fields
aPriori provides several fields to support multiple scenarios:
scenario – You can specify that multiple scenarios for a single part or assembly should be costed during the Bulk Cost operation. Each scenario requires a different row in the Bulk Costing & Analysis UI and in the User Inputs spreadsheet. The Scenario field in the Bulk Costing & Analysis UI provides a pull-down menu showing the scenarios that are legal to change to. You cannot, for example, have two instances of the same scenario for the same part. You also cannot edit the scenario if the row is not defined in a User Inputs file.
official – When set to TRUE in the User Inputs spreadsheet, or “checked” in the Bulk Costing & Analysis table, the scenario specified in the row is made the official scenario. (Default = FALSE.) Note that if a component has not been initialized, the first scenario created by the Bulk Loader is made official even if this field is False. If the Bulk Loader processes a subsequent scenario that is marked “Official” for the component, it will supersede the official status of the first scenario. However, note that you cannot assume in what order the Bulk Loader will process rows: variables such as sorting by column in the UI, or setting bulkload.concurrent.loader.count to a value greater than “1” in, can result in rows being processed in a different order than you might expect.
active – When set to TRUE in the User Inputs spreadsheet, or checked in the Bulk Costing & Analysis table, CAD-connected components will be updated whenever the CAD part changes. Setting a part to Inactive means that GCDs remain static even if the CAD part is updated and must be updated manually before changes to the CAD files will be reflected in the Bulk Cost operation. This field is optional; if not explicitly set, the default is TRUE.
deep cost – (Default = FALSE) When set to TRUE in the User Inputs spreadsheet, or checked in the Bulk Costing & Analysis table, the children of assemblies or roll-ups will also be costed. This field is disabled in the UI for non-parent components.
processingInputRule – What to do if the scenario already exists:
Update – (Default) Add new inputs to the existing scenario and retain any existing inputs that are not changed through the Bulk Cost update. This merges new inputs into the existing scenario, overriding the specified input selections.
Skip – Do not process; skip component scenario.
Create New Scenario – Create a new scenario by copying from the existing scenario and then applying the inputs provided through Bulk Costing. If the scenario name already exists, increment it. For example: Final(2)
Clear Existing Data & Reload -- Clear all inputs and outputs for the scenario and recost using the inputs defined in the Bulk Cost run.