Bulk Costing 2-Model Machining Parts
To bulk cost 2-Model Machining components, you must specify the source component though the user inputs file. (For general information about 2-Model Machining, see the chapter 2-Model Machining Process Group" in the aPriori Cost Model Guide.)
1 Create a user inputs Excel file that contains columns sourceModel and sourceModelScenario. If sourceModelScenario is blank, the effective scenario is the Official scenario. Also note that the processGroup of the finished model should be "2-Model Machining".
2 Create a Bulk Cost Group in the Bulk Loader UI using your spread sheet and source/finished model CAD files.
3 Click the Cost button. The Status of the finished model is "Processing Deferred" until the source model is costed.
Note: The Bulk Loader first scans the inputs file for any 2-model components. If it finds any, it first costs the non-2-model components, and then afterwards cycles back and costs the 2-model components.