Parting Line
The Parting Line GCD Type includes a single GCD named PartingLine, which represents the division of the top/left side of the mold from the bottom/right side of the mold. aPriori automatically determines this GCD. However, you can manually define the parting line. This GCD is available for the Casting process group. The GCD details include:
Cost drivers
The name and number that identifies the GCD. This information is an identifier only and is not used in any cost calculation.
Draw Direction
The direction in which the mold separates.
Height (mm)
The height of the GCD.
Parting Type
The shape of the parting line. This value can be FLAT or NON-FLAT.
Projected Area (mm2)
The projected area from the mold parting line.
Projected Perimeter (mm)
The perimeter length of the GCD as projected onto a given plane.