Understanding the legend
Click the Legend button to display the explanatory list of node types.
A node required by aPriori for the selected Manufacturing Process Group. A failure at one of the required nodes causes the entire routing to fail.
An expandable node representing a choice between two or more alternative processes. Each alternative represents a routing.
A copy of a node created as a result of expanding the original node. Copy nodes appear faded, but they are still costed in every routing.
A node that was not costed by aPriori because it was not required for manufacturing the component or has been manually excluded from the routing. Uncosted nodes are displayed only when you select Show Uncosted Nodes within Visible Routings from the View menu.
Node Borders
Solid border indicates that the node is included by aPriori and cannot be included or excluded manually.
Dashed border indicates that the node can be included or excluded manually.