Selecting an unfeasible machine for a process
In some situations, aPriori considers a process to be unfeasible for auto-selected routing because there is no feasible machine for the process.
To select an unfeasible machine for a process
1 In the Routing Editor, select View > Show Uncosted Nodes within Visible Routings. The unfeasible nodes are displayed with a red status sign. To see the message indicating why the process is not feasible, right-click on the process and select Rules/Status.
2 Select an unfeasible process and click OK. In the Manufacturing Process tree, the newly added process appears with a red status sign.
3 Right-click the newly added process and select Machine Selection.
4 Select the desired machine and click Advance Options.
5 Check the Do not check feasibility option. aPriori costs the component with manually selected process and machine while ignoring the feasibility rules for that process/machine.
6 Click OK.