Selecting a primary process group
A process group is a group of processes of the same manufacturing type. For example, the Sheet Metal process group includes such processes as Laser Cut, Bend Brake, Shear, etc.; while a Casting process group includes Cool, Cleaning, Hot Box, Melting, etc.
Some components may be completely manufactured using processes in a single process group. Other components require multiple process groups; for example, Casting and Machining.
The name of the process group that is primarily used to manufacture a component shows on the Primary Process Group button.
To display the primary process group details
In the Manufacturing Process pane, click the button to the right of the Primary Process Group button. The Process Group Details window is displayed.
To select a different Primary Process Group, click Edit.
To close the Process Group Details, click Close.
To change the primary process group
To change the Primary Process Group for a component, aPriori must be able to retrieve the GCDs required to calculate the cost. To make it possible:
In Direct Integration mode, the component must be CAD-connected.
In CAD-Independent mode, the component must be file-connected.
1 In the Manufacturing Process pane, click the Primary Process Group button, Primary Process Group: Casting. The Select Primary Process Group window is displayed.
2 Select a process group from the drop-down menu. The required GCDs are immediately retrieved and the component is re-costed.
3 Click Close. The new Primary Process Group shows on the command button.