Error messages and log files
Where possible, aPriori displays an informative error message and adds it to the message tree whenever it denies access to something. Here is an example of an error message you might see:
And here is the related message as it might appear in the message tree:
aPriori also appends detailed information about access denials to the log file:
These are the first sources of information that you should check when trying to understand why aPriori is not allowing you to do something.
Note: For security reasons, aPriori cannot always provide detailed enough information about access denial situations to identify exactly what target resource has failed which access check. For example, if there is a proprietary or otherwise sensitive component in an assembly that a group of users is not allowed to even see, then it would defeat the purpose of Access Control to deliver a detailed message that says something like "You do not have permission to read SecretComponentXYZ."
Also note that in certain circumstances, aPriori aborts after reporting the first error. For example, if you try to deep-cost an assembly which contains child components to which you do not have Read access, aPriori displays a message about the first such component and stops trying. You will not get error messages about other non-readable components in the Assembly. See Access Control Principles on page 1 for more information.