To cancel a costing operation
Once aPriori begins a costing operation, you can cancel it if a Cancel icon appears in the lower-right corner of the window:
It is not always possible to cancel a costing operation. For example, the Cancel icon is not available from the Bulk Costing & Analysis window.
When aPriori cancels a costing operation, note that:
The cancellation affects only costing; it does not affect GCD extraction. If you click the Cancel icon during GCD extraction, nothing will get cancelled until the GCD extraction is complete.
No routing is selected. (I.e., aPriori does not just pick the best routing up until that point).
The Manufacturing Process window displays information similar to what is shown when an error occurs during costing: aPriori displays red Xs as necessary with tool-tip text that reads “Costing Cancelled – previous manufacturing info shown”.
In the Cost Summary tab, the information in the Current column moves to the Previous column and the Current column remains blank. Note that if you cancel two times in a row, the Previous column is not updated to blanks. Again, this behavior is similar to what happens when a costing error occurs: the Previous column simply displays the last successful, fully-costed results.
The Cancel icon works on a per-costing basis: whatever part is being costed when Cancel is clicked is what gets canceled, nothing more. If you are in an assembly and select multiple subcomponents that are uninitialized and select initialize, cancelling affects whichever part is currently being costed. aPriori then moves on to the next part and starts costing that one. The Cancel icon will not cancel all parts that are currently queued up for costing.