Production Scenario Tab, Company-Defined Attributes
The mid-section of the first tab of the Cost Guide contains additional attribute fields.
The specific attribute fields that are displayed are configurable and will vary from customer to customer. Your aPriori System Administrator may have created User Defined Attributes (UDAs – see the aPriori Professional System Administration Guide). By default, UDAs will appear in this section of the Cost Guide, but your System Administrator may have further configured the Cost Guide so such UDAs may appear anywhere. Attributes are used to describe the component and can be used when searching for a component, reporting on a component, and may even drive costing-logic for a component. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be provided before the component can be costed and saved.
Note: Your system administrator may have configured these fields and may have set them up so that they automatically get populated by properties or parameters that are defined in the CAD files. For more information on defining attribute fields to be used by your company, and how they appear in the aPriori user interface, see the sections on “User Defined Attributes”, “Dialog Views”, and "Using CAD Properties" in the aPriori System Administration Guide.
Here are some Company-Defined Attributes that are provided by default, and how they can be used:
Description – Enter information that will help you identify the component.
Product Line – Enter the product line on which the component is used.
Model Number – Enter a unique identifying name or number for the component.
Project – Enter the name of the project that includes the component.
Revision – Enter the revision number for the component.
Cost Type – Select the source that provided the cost information for the component.
CAD VersionDisplays the CAD version aPriori extracted from the component file.
GCD Extraction Time – Displays the date and time the GCDs were last retrieved for the component. This information is provided by aPriori.
Purchased – Check this box if you are purchasing this component from a supplier. Uncheck the box if you are making the component at one of your company’s factories.
When you have completed entering information on this tab, you can either:
Perform an initial costing by clicking the Cost Now button at the bottom of the Cost Guide (or the Cost button on the toolbar), or
Proceed directly to the GCD Tolerances tab by clicking the Next button at the bottom of the Cost Guide, or by clicking the GCD Tolerances tab at the top of the Cost Guide.
Until you perform an initial costing, you will not be able to use the Process and Machine Options tab.