Costing a component in the aPriori Cost Ticker
The Cost Ticker displays a summary of a component’s cost. When you open a component, the Cost Ticker’s behavior depends on whether this component has been costed before.
By default, One Click Costing™ is enabled, which means that you must explicitly click the Cost button to cost the component. However, you can switch from One Click Costing to auto-costing, which means that aPriori will automatically cost a component whenever it is opened, activated, or changed in the CAD system. (This was the default behavior in earlier releases of aPriori). To enable auto costing in aPriori Desktop; see One Click Costing™ (enabling/disabling auto-costing in response to CAD changes) on page 1 for details.
To cost a new component
1 Open the component.
2 By default, when you open a component that has never been costed before, aPriori displays a dialog directing you to open the aPriori desktop. Doing so causes the new part to be opened in the Cost Guide which helps you provide the necessary information to perform an initial costing.
3 As of Release 2018 R1 SP1, the Cost button will be enabled in the Ticker even for new parts if your aPriori system administrator has configured your installation to automatically import CAD properties and all inputs needed to cost a part have been successfully mapped (Process Group, VPE, Material , and Annual Volume). This enables Design Engineers to generate initial cost estimates while keeping their focus their CAD windows and design-related tasks. Note that Batch Size is not required to be set to enable the Ticker Cost button. If Batch Size is not available through CAD properties, the value is determined by the default aPriori mechanism of computing it as a fraction of Annual Volume.
For more information about mapping CAD properties, see the chapter “Using CAD Properties in the 2018 R1 SP1 (or later) aPriori Professional System Administration Guide.
For information about using the Cost Guide, see Initial costing: The Cost Guide on page 1.
To cost a previously costed component
1 Open the component.
2 If the component has been costed before, the Cost Ticker displays the last saved cost values for the component. The stale clock icon and gray background color indicate that the cost information is not current.
3 Click Cost.
aPriori displays progress messages during the costing process.
When the costing is done, the cost values are displayed.
The clock icon and the background color indicate that the cost information is current.